FAQ: Why should I 'wet-fit' a sheath to my knife?

21st Jul 2015

Why take the time to wet-fit your sheath to your knife? We can think of three reasons.

Wet fit

You have a general-purpose sheath.

A general-purpose sheath (one designed to fit a number of different knives) is a great option, but it can be a tight fit at first. It'll be fine after it breaks-in, of course, but wet-fitting is a way to get a hand-in-glove fit sooner rather than later.

You want a more custom fit.

Whether you have a general-purpose sheath or one made specifically for your knife, wet-fitting can quickly transform a good fit into a perfect fit.

It just looks cool.

There's no denying that a wet-fit sheath has that custom-boned look. And while we're being honest here, no self-respecting knife guy wants to show up at hunting camp with a sheath that's obviously new. Wet-fitting can save the day (and your dignity).

(For more information, check out our primer on "The best way to 'wet-fit' a sheath.")