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Ken Onion Kitchen Knives
Ken Onion Kitchen Knives
Ken Onion is one of the most respected knife designers in the world. His knives are easily recognized because they rarely have a single straight edge on them! Each of Ken Onion's knife designs are thoroughly thought out from the standpoint of a user. The Ken Onion Rain Series of kitchen knives is a stunning example of Ken's commitment to quality, ergonomics, and style.
When Ken Onion decided to produce a series of kitchen knives, he was committed to having them manufactured in the USA from top shelf materials.
Each Rain or Sky Kitchen Knife blade is made of a stainless super steel - BD-1. It is easy to maintain and holds an edge far beyond what traditional kitchen knife steels do.
The blades have a unique "rain" or "sky" pattern that is both beautiful and functional. The surface of the blade creates less area for food to stick to as you chop and slice. The result is an almost non-stick knife and glides effortlessly through your food.
The handles are designed with your hand in mind. They almost force you to hold the knife correctly and they can be used comfortably for hours.