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Competition/Battle Cleaver (legacy)
Bark River Knives: Custom Competition/Battle Cleaver
With the popularity of BLADE Competitions all over the world, Bark River Knives has been getting requests for a knife in that style. This massive "Battle Cleaver" custom competition knife is handmade from a solid bar of A-2 tool steel. It's purposely blade-heavy, designed to maximize chopping and straight-line cutting.
Knives of this style are customarily made from thick stock, and the Battle Cleaver indeed fills that bill at 0.265 inch. Its handle is ergonomic, with plenty of drop at the rear so that it never comes out of the hand in a committed swing.
For other than competition use, this makes one heck of a wood-processing knife, guaranteed to make short work of any reasonable-size log.
- Overall Length: 16.45 inches
- Blade Length (from front of handle): 11.125 inches
- Actual Blade Length: 9.775 inches
- Blade Steel: A-2 @ 58-60 RC
- Blade Thickness: 0.265 inch
- Weight: 30.25 ounces
A high-quality handmade leather sheath is included.