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FAQ: I love knives, and I'm on Facebook -- can you recommend some pages to 'Like'?

7th Jul 2015

Well, let's start with the obvious -- be sure to "Like" the  KnivesShipFree Facebook page. There you'll find videos, reviews, tips and other top-secret stuff we don't post anywhere else.

KnivesShipFree Facebook

The other cool thing about following us on Facebook is that you'll be able to interact with other "knife knuts" and, if you keep your eyes open, maybe even learn something.

We also maintain a separate Facebook page devoted to knife-related "eye candy," the Amazing Knife Pictures group. Be sure to join and contribute your own photos.

Beyond our own pages, lots of the knifemakers and companies represented on KnivesShipFree have a presence on Facebook. Here are some links to the ones we know of -- be sure to let 'em know that KnivesShipFree sent you!